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Free Share Lead2pass Microsoft 70-178 Exam Dumps and Questions (11-20)

Lead2pass 70-178 material details are researched and created by the most professional certified authors who are regularly using current exams experience to create precise and logical dumps. You can get questions and answers from many other websites or books, but logic is the main key of success. And Lead2pass will give you this key of success.

Your project has a part-time resource who works 4 hours a day from Monday through Thursday. You need to ensure that your project plan accommodates the part-time resource.
What should you do?

A.    Update the base project calendar.
B.    Change the working time for the resource.
C.    Change the maximum units for the resource.
D.    Assign the resource only to tasks that are scheduled on the working days.

Answer: B

Your project has Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who are consulted for each task.
You need to create a single field that includes a list of SME names that can be associated with each task.
What should you do?

A.    Create a task custom field that includes a lookup table custom attribute.
B.    Enter the list of SME names on the Resource tab of the Task Information window.
C.    Create a project custom field that includes a lookup table custom attribute.
D.    Create a resource custom field that includes a lookup table custom attribute.

Answer: A

You want to print the Gantt Chart view of your project.
You need to hide the Gantt chart legend.
What should you do?

A.    Edit the view.
B.    Edit the Bar Styles dialog box.
C.    Edit the layout.
D.    Edit the Page Setup dialog box.
E.    Edit the Text Styles dialog box.

Answer: D
In Page Setup, on the Legend tab, set 'Legend on' to 'None'.

You use Project Professional 2010 to manage a construction project.
Different members of the project team frequently modify a blueprint file.
The file is saved in a Microsoft Office SharePoint document library.
You need to access the file from within the project schedule.
What should you do?

A.    Add a hyperlink.
B.    Use the Links Between Projects tool.
C.    Use the Sync with Tasks List feature.
D.    Use the Save to SharePoint feature.

Answer: A

The milestones in your project schedule represent the end of phases.
You need to change the background color of the cells of the milestones to blue.
What should you do on the Format tab?

A.    Select Text Styles, and then select Milestone Tasks.
B.    Select Layout, and then select Show drawings.
C.    Select Drawing, and then select Text Box.
D.    Select Column Settings, and then select Milestone.
E.    Select Bar Styles, and then select Milestone.

Answer: A

You receive a Microsoft Outlook e-mail message that contains the following task outline:
- Establish corporate internal communications process.
- Find out the regional and country divisions' communications process.
- Plan communication methods, logistics, and timings.
- Establish regional and country communications to sales, marketing, and management.
- Find out the internal systems that must respond to the campaign.
- Create communications plan.
- Identify internal training requirements.
- Develop internal training.
- Organization of internal communications and training completion.
You need to incorporate the task outline into your project plan. What should you do?

A.    Use the Bulk Import tool from the Project 2010 Solution Starters toolkit.
B.    Copy and paste the task outline into the Task Sheet view of Project 2010.
C.    Use the Task Inspector feature from Outlook.
D.    Use the Import Outlook Tasks option.

Answer: B

You attempt to print the task table and Gantt chart horizontally.
However, the task names do not appear on each printed page.
You need to ensure that the task names are printed on each page.
What should you do?

A.    Modify the settings in the Column Settings dialog box of the Task Name column.
B.    Select the Task Name column and click Print.
C.    Select the Task Name column and click Add to Timeline.
D.    Modify the settings in the Field Settings dialog box of the Task Name column.
E.    Modify the settings in the Page Setup dialog box.

Answer: E
In Page Setup, on the View tab, Print first n columns on all pages.

The dates of your project are displayed in the long date format as Wed 09-01-28 12:33.
You need to ensure that the dates are displayed as 1/28/09.
What should you do?

A.    On the Format menu, modify the settings in the Layout dialog box.
B.    On the File menu, modify the settings in the Options dialog box.
C.    On the Format menu, modify the settings in the Text Styles dialog box.
D.    Modify the settings in the Field Settings dialog box.

Answer: B

You create a new Gantt Chart view.
You need to copy the view to a different project.
What should you do?

A.    Use the Links Between Projects tool.
B.    Use the Organizer tool.
C.    Use the Save Views feature.
D.    Use the Compare Projects feature.

Answer: B
The Organizer is a dialog box that allows you to copy custom elements (incl. views, reports, tables, filters, groups) between files, or between a file and the global template.

In the default Gantt Chart view of your Project Professional 2010 project, you need to display the following information:
- Tasks that are not started.
- Tasks in progress.
- Tasks that have finished.
- Total remaining effort for each group of tasks.
What should you do on the View tab?

A.    Select Group by Complete and Incomplete Tasks, and then add the Remaining Work field to the table.
B.    Select Group by Complete and Incomplete Tasks, and then add the Work field to the table.
C.    Select Group by Active v. Inactive, and then add the Remaining Work field to the table.
D.    Select Group by Active v. Inactive, and then add the Work field to the table.

Answer: A

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