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Free Share Lead2pass Microsoft 70-178 Exam Dumps and Questions (71-80)

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You are building a project plan in Microsoft Office Project Standard 2010.
You expand the project plan to display all outline levels and the project summary task.
You enter resources and their costs.
You have not yet set a baseline.
You need to estimate the total cost of the project.
What should you do?

A.    Display the cost of Task 0.
B.    Display the estimate at completion (EAC) field.
C.    Display the Budget Cost column in the Task and Resource Usage views.
D.    Assign the resources to the project summary task, and then display the task resources.

Answer: A

You are using a project plan created by another person as an example of how to create a project in Microsoft Office Project Standard 2010. However, you do not want the original authors name to be associated with your project plan.
You need to remove the original project plan author's name from the project plan.
What should you do?

A.    Increase the macro security level to High.
B.    Delete the user name from the program options.
C.    Remove the authors resource from the resource pool.
D.    Turn on the removal of information from the file properties.

Answer: D

You are preparing a multi-year project schedule in Microsoft Office Project Standard 2010.
You need to set up the schedule so you can easily switch between viewing all tasks organized by WBS and by the month they are scheduled to end.
What should you do?

A.    Create a custom filter based on the Date Range filter.
B.    Define Group By criteria for finish dates, with an interval of months.
C.    Set the project timescale to use months as the middle-tier interval.
D.    Set the project timescale to use months as the bottom-tier interval

Answer: B
In Microsoft Office Project Standard 2010, you create a project plan for managing one-hour meetings that are part of a project.
For each meeting, you create one task with a resource assignment for each attendee.
You need to ensure that all meeting tasks show that more work is required for meetings when additional resources attend.
What type of task should you set as the default?

A.    fixed work
B.    fixed units and effort-driven
C.    fixed duration and effort-driven
D.    fixed units and non effort-driven

Answer: D

In Microsoft Office Project Standard 2010, you are monitoring the progress lines and earned value of your project.
You need to update the status date in the project schedule to ensure the correct calculation of your projects progress.
What should you do?

A.    Enter the appropriate status date in the Project Information dialog box.
B.    Enter the appropriate status date in the project files Properties dialog box.
C.    Modify settings so that Project calculates progress lines based on the project status date.
D.    Modify settings so that Project propagates changes made to the task completion status to the project status date.

Answer: A

You are planning a project in Microsoft Office Project Standard 2010.
You assign two resources 80 hours of work each for a task that has a duration of 10 days. After one week. Resource A has worked 40 hours and reports that she needs another 20 hours to complete her assignment. Resource B has worked 40 hours and reports that he needs another 60 hours to complete his assignment. Resource A and Resource B have the same skill set.
You update the schedule with these hours, and the task duration changes to 12.5 days.
You need to reschedule the remaining work so that the existing resources can complete the task within the original timeframe. In the Task Usage view, what should you do?

A.    Change Resource As remaining work to 40 hours.
B.    Change Resource Bs remaining work to 40 hours.
C.    Change each resource's remaining work to 40 hours.
D.    Change each resources actual work to 40 hours.

Answer: C

You are managing a project schedule in Microsoft Office Project Standard 2010.
You assign one resource to a 5-day task. After completing 4 days of work, he is called away on an emergency. The remaining 8 hours of work are due for completion tomorrow. The resource is unable to complete the task until next week: He will work 4 hours next Monday and 4 hours next Wednesday.
You need to reschedule this remaining work accurately.
What should you do?

A.    In the Task Usage view, set the remaining work for the task to 8 hours.
B.    In the Task Usage view, set the remaining duration for the task to 4 days.
C.    Set the timephased work to 4 hours each for Monday and Wednesday and 0 hours for the remaining days.
D.    Set the time phased actual work to 4 hours each for Monday and Wednesday and 0 hours for the remaining days.

Answer: C

You are managing two projects in Microsoft Office Project Standard 2010.
Task A in Project Alpha is dependent on Task B in Project Beta.
You need to have Project automatically reschedule Task A if Task B finishes earlier or later than scheduled.
What should you do?

A.    Display the Task Drivers pane to manage the automatic rescheduling.
B.    Display the external predecessors and successors in both project plans.
C.    Create a master project that includes both project plans, and then create a cross-project link.
D.    Create a master project that includes both project plans, and then assign the same calendar to both tasks.

Answer: C

You create a new base calendar for a project that you are tracking in Microsoft Office Project Standard 2010.
You need to make this calendar the default calendar for the project.
What should you do?

A.    Create a copy of the Standard calendar.
B.    Click the Set as Default button in the calendar options.
C.    Set the new base calendar as the project calendar.
D.    Set the new base calendar as the calendar in the Change Working Time options.

Answer: C

In Microsoft Office Project Standard 2010, you manage a program schedule that contains multiple individual project schedules.
You need to display the single critical path across all the projects. What should you do?

A.    project to display only critical tasks
B.    Open all the project schedules, and use the Gantt Chart formatting options to display the critical tasks.
C.    Create a master project incorporating the individual project schedules, and select the Calculate multiple critical paths calculation option.
D.    Create a master project incorporating the individual project schedules, and select the Inserted projects are calculated like summary tasks calculation option.

Answer: D

Lead2pass Microsoft 70-178 study guide is prepared by the expert professionals in the IT industry who help you prepare for all the leading IT vendor exams. We do thorough research and analyze the current trends and requirement to provide relevant and regularly updated preparation material for you. Lead2pass's 70-178 exam study material will help in preparing for the expected questions and let you answer the questions in the most accurate manner in your 70-178 certification exams.


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