This page was exported from Easily Pass By Training Lead2pass Latest Dumps [ ] Export date:Sun Mar 9 1:47:10 2025 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: SAS A00-211 Practice Exam Latest Test Questions VCE PDF --------------------------------------------------- Vendor: SAS Exam Code: A00-211 Exam Name: SAS Base Programming for SAS 9 QUESTION 1 Given the SAS data set AGES: AGES AGE --------- The variable AGE contains character values. The following SAS program is submitted: data subset; set ages; where age> 12; run; How many observations are written out to the data set SUBSET? A.    0 B.    1 C.    2 D.    3 Answer: A QUESTION 2 Given the SAS data set PRICES: PRICES prodid price K12S5.10producttype NETWORKsales 15returns B132S 2.34HARDWARE30010 R18KY21.29SOFTWARE255 3KL8BY 6.37HARDWARE12515 DY65DW 5.60HARDWARE455 DGTY23 4.55HARDWARE672 The following SAS program is submitted: data hware inter soft; set prices (keep = producttype price); if price le 5.00; if producttype = `HARDWARE' then output HWARE; else if producttype = `NETWORK' then output INTER; else if producttype = `SOFTWARE' then output SOFT; run; How many observations does the HWARE data set contain? A.    0 B.    2 C.    3 D.    4 Answer: B QUESTION 3 The following SAS program is submitted: data work.accounting; set work.department; length jobcode $ 12; jobcode='FAl'; run; The WORK.DEPARTMENT data set contains a character variable named JOBCODE with a length of 5. What is the result? A.    The length of the variable JOBCODE is 3. B.    The length of the variable JOBCODE is 5. C.    The length of the variable JOSBODE is 12. D.    The program fails to execute due to errors. Answer: B QUESTION 4 Which ODS statement option terminates output being written to an HTML rile? A.    END B.    QUIT C.    STOP D.    CLOSE Answer: D QUESTION 5 Given the AIRPLANES data set AlRPLANES TYPE  MPG --------  ------ F-18     105 C-130    25 Harrier  75 A-6 1    10 The following SAS program is submitted: data gt100; set airplanes(keep = type mpg load); load = mpg * 150; run; The program fails to execute due to syntax errors. What is the cause of the syntax error? A.    MPG is not a numeric variable. B.    LOAD is not a variable in the data set GT100. C.    LOAD is not variable in the data set AIRPLANES. D.    LOAD must be defined prior to the SET statement. Answer: C QUESTION 6 Given the raw data file EMPLOYEE: ----I----1 0---I----20---I----30 Ruth 39 11 Jose 32 22 Sue 30 33 John 40 44 The following SAS program is submitted: data test; infile `employee'; input employee_name $ 1-4; if employee_name = `Ruth' then input idnum 10-11; else input age 7-8; run; What value does the variable IDNUM contain when the name of the employee is "Ruth"? A.    11 B.    22 C.    33 D.    (missing numeric value) Answer: B QUESTION 7 The following SAS program is submitted: data temp.x; set sasuser.y; run; What must be submitted prior to this SAS program for the program to execute successfully? A.    A LIBNAME statement for the libref TEMP only must be submitted. B.    A LIBNAME statement for the libref SASUSER only must be submitted. C.    LIBNAME statements for the librefs TEMP and SASUSER must be submitted. D.    No LIBNAME statement needs to be submitted. Answer: A QUESTION 8 The data set RALESTATE has the variable LOCALFEE with a format or 9. and a variable COUNTRYFEE with a format or 7.; The following SAS program is submitted: data history; format local fee country fee percent6.; set realestate; local fee = local fee / 100; country fee = country fee / 100; run; What are the formats of the variables LOCALFEE and COUNTRYFEE in the output dataset? A.    LOCALFEE has format of 9. and COUNTRYFEE has a format of 7. B.    LOCALFEE has format of 9. and COUNTRYFEE has a format of percent6. C.    LOCALFEE has format of percent6. and COUNTRYFEE has a format of percent6. D.    The data step fails execution; there is no format for LOCALFEE Answer: C QUESTION 9 The following SAS program is submitted: proc freq data = class; tables gender * age / <insert option here>; run; The following report is created: The FREQ Procedure Table of gender by age Row Column Gender ageFrequencyPercent Percent Percent F11110.0020.0050.00 12220.0040.0040.00 13220.0040.0066.67 Total550.00100.00 M11110.0020.0050.00 12330.0060.0060,00 13110.0020.0033.33 Total550.00100.00 Total11220.00100.00 12550.00100.00 13330.00100.00 Total10100.00 Which option correctly completes the program and creates the report? A.    LIST B.    NOCOLS C.    CROSSLIST D.    NOCROSSTAB Answer: C QUESTION 10 The value 110700 is stored in a numeric variable named SALARY. Which FORMAT statement displays the value as $110,700.00 in a report? A.    format salary comma11.2; B.    format salary dollar8.2; C.    format salary dollar11.2; D.    format salary comma8.2 dollar8.2; Answer: C QUESTION 11 Given the raw data file YEARAMT: ----|---10---|---20---|----30 1901 2 1905 1 1910 6 1925 . 1941 1 The following SAS program is submitted: data coins; infile `yearamt'; input year quantity; <insert statement(s) here> run; Which statement(s) completed the program and produced a non-missing value for the variable TOTQUANTITY in the final observation of the output data set? A.    totquantity + quantity; B.    totquantity = sum(totquantity + quantity); C.    retain totquantity; totquantity = totquantity + quantity; D.    retain totquantity0; totquantity = totquantity + quantity; Answer: A QUESTION 12 Given the SAS data set EMPLOYEE INFO: EMPLOYEE_INFO IDNumber Expenses 100.00 133.15 234.34 111.12 The following SAS program is submitted: proc sort data = employee_info; <insert BY statement here> run; Which BY statement completes the program and sorts the data sequentially by ascending expense values within each ascending IDNUMBER value? A.    by Expenses IDNumber; B.    by IDNumber Expenses; C.    by ascending Expenses IDNumber; D.    by ascending IDNumber ascending Expenses; Answer: B QUESTION 13 The following SAS program is submitted: proc format value score 1 - 50 = `Fail' 51 - 100 = `Pass'; run; proc report data = nowd; column exam; define exam / display format = score.; run; The variable EXAM has a value of 50.5. How will the EXAM variable value be displayed in the REPORT procedure output? A.    Fail B.    Pass C.    50.5 D.    . (missing numeric value) Answer: C QUESTION 14 What is the purpose or the MISSOVER option on the INFILE statement? A.    It prevents SAS from loading a new record when the end of the current record is reached. B.    It enables SAS to scan the input data records until the character string that is specified in the @`character-string' expression is round. C.    It enables SAS to continue to read the next input data record if it does not find values in the current input tine for all the variables in the statement. D.    It causes the DATA step to stop processing if an INPUT statement reaches the end of the current record without finding values for all variables in the statement. Answer: A QUESTION 15 The following SAS program is submitted: data work.test; set work.staff (keep = jansales febsales marsales); array diff_sales{3} difsales1 - difsales3; array monthly{3} jansales febsales marsales; run; What new variables are created? A.    JANSALES, FEBSALES and MARSALES B.    MONTHLY1, MONTHLY2 and MONTHLY3 C.    DIFSALES1, DIFSALES2 and DIFSALES3 D.    DIFF_SALES1, DIFF_SALES2 and DIFF_SALES3 Answer: C QUESTION 16 What describes the SAS automatic _ERRDR_ variable? A.    The _ERROR_ variable contains the values `TRUE' or `FALSE.' B.    The _ERROR variable maintains a count of the number of data errors. C.    The _ERROR_ variable can be used in expressions or calculations in the DATA step. D.    The ERROR_variable contains the number or the observation that caused the error. Answer: C QUESTION 17 Given the following raw data record: 07Jan20 05 Which INFOFRMAT reads this raw data and stores it as a SAS date value? A.    dmy9. B.    date9. C.    ddMMMyy9. D.    ddmmmyyyy9. Answer: B QUESTION 18 Which statement correctly computes the average of four numerical values? A.    average = mean(num1, num4); B.    average = mean(num1 - num4); C.    average = mean(ofnum1 - num4) D.    average = mean(num1 num2 num3 num4); Answer: C QUESTION 19 The following SAS program is submitted: libname temp `SAS data library'; data temp.sales; merge temp sales work.receipt; by names; run; The input data files are sorted by the NAMES variable: What is the result? A.    The program executes successfully and a temporary SAS data set is created. B.    The program executes successfully and a permanent SAS data set is created. C.    The program fails execution because the same SAS data set is referenced for both read and write operations. D.    The program fails execution because the SAS data sets on the MERGE statement are in two different libraries. Answer: B QUESTION 20 Given the contents of the raw data file TYPECOLOR: ----I----10---I----20---I----30 Daisyyellow The following SAS program is submitted: data flowers; infile `typecolor'; input type$ 1-5+1 color$; run; What are the values of the variables TYPE and COLOR? A.    type color daisyyellow B.    type color daisyyellow C.    type color daisyyellow" "(missing character value) D.    No values are stored for the TYPE and COLOR variables. Answer: B If you want to pass SAS A00-211 successfully, donot missing to read latest lead2pass SAS A00-211 practice exams. If you can master all lead2pass questions you will able to pass 100% guaranteed. --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2014-08-27 03:32:42 Post date GMT: 2014-08-27 03:32:42 Post modified date: 2014-08-27 03:32:42 Post modified date GMT: 2014-08-27 03:32:42 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Export of Post and Page as text file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from